Tap Conquest

Tap Conquest blends the captivating essence of classic tower-conquering games with the strategic depth of deck-building and customizable loadouts.

By integrating a comprehensive loadout and card mechanic, the game offers players great control over their strategies, allowing for personalized approaches to each challenge.

Latest Version: BETA v0.7.2

About the project...

Tap Conquest is a project born of my desire to showcase my skillset and capabilities.
Everything in the project was created or iterated by me, with the exception of the music and sounds.

Project Type
Mobile Strategy Game
Game Engine
Beta Test

Game Design

Game Design Pillar 1Game Design Pillar 2Game Design Pillar 3

Tower Conquest
The Tower Conquest mechanic stands as a core pillar, challenging players to strategically seize towers. This gameplay aspect demands careful unit deployment and resource management. This pillar encapsulates the essence of strategic gameplay, making every victory demand a methodical approach.

The Loadout system offers players the freedom to customize their gameplay experience. Through strategic selection of loadout cards, each with unique effects, players can tailor their approach to each level, encouraging experimentation and diverse strategies. As a core pillar, the Loadout system highlights the game's emphasis on player choice and strategic diversity, making each playthrough a unique reflection of individual preferences.

Steampunk meets Nature
The unique "Steampunk meets Nature" theme blends mechanical innovation with the wildness of nature. It influences everything from unit design to the game's overall aesthetic, making it a fundamental aspect of the game's identity and appeal.

Game Flow

The game is structured into levels, beginning with level 0 (the tutorial). Every time players achieve a victory, they will then unlock the following level, until all levels are completed in which case the game will end.

Players do not have the option to replay previous levels and will only be able to move forward linearly throughout the stages of the game.

The reason behind not being to play levels retroactively lies in the fact that the game does not offer completion requirements for additional rewards, meaning that once a level is won there would be little reason to replay it.

In general, the loop is kept simple to allow the users to navigate fast and get back into the action without needless delay.

Gameplay loop

Progression Design

Levels are grouped into different areas, each area presents a different aesthetic to the design. Levels are designed to be incrementally more difficult as the player approaches the end of an area.

The figure on the right (or below) represents the progression of the beta version (v0.7.2) of the game.

Alpha version 0.7.1 level structure and progression

From UI wireframes...

main menu wireframeGame interfaceloadout wireframe

... to sketches and levels

Level 6 in gameLevel 10 in game
level sketches 1 to 5


Game Design Document

Copyright © 2024, Niccolò Chiodo